32 Free kobo books & deals for Jan. 10

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Hello, Welcome to Daily Free Kobo Books. In this edition, you’ll find some Kobo eBooks that are free to download, and Kobo book deals, for today (Jan. 10).

Kobo Review Books of the Day

Free Romance Books & Best Romance Deals

  1. Rocked A Romantic Comedy Book 2- Once a Week at Woody’s by Linda G. Hill. Price: Free. Genre: Romance, Contemporary, Humorous, Contemporary Women. ISBN: 9780994891297. ASIN: B09HHMQQCH.
  2. Hitched in Hawaii A Marriage of Convenience Romantic Comedy Book 1- Vacation & You by Dhara Shah. Price: Free. Genre: Romance, Contemporary, New Adult. ISBN: 1230007494277. ASIN: B0BTJV9KJX.
  3. Worth The Wait Book 1 Stone River by Kay Lyons. Price: Free. Genre: Romance, Contemporary Women, Contemporary. ISBN: 1230002420622. ASIN: ‎B07FDQHTSF.
  4. Dash of Love Book-1 – The Sunshine Breakfast Club Series by Karice Bolton. Price: Free. Genre: Romance, Contemporary Women, Contemporary, Family Life. ISBN: 1230008024626. ASIN: ‎B09TWX7KP9.
  5. Something To Talk About Book 1- Whiskey Mountain by Samantha Baca. Price: Free. Genre: Romance, New Adult, Contemporary, Humorous. ISBN: 1230007585296. ASIN: B0B1F6NWCT.
  6. The Book of Mormon by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Price: Free. Genre: Non-Fiction, Religion & Spirituality, Christianity, Denomination, Mormonism. ISBN:  9781592976928. ASIN: B08274Y55W.
  7. Child of Nature (Deal, Not Free) by Talissa O’Shrigar. Price: $0.99. Genre: Romance, Science Fiction & Fantasy. Adventure, Elyana is the last Child of Nature, No other child will be born after her. ISBN: 9798201474744. ASIN: B0B1F6GB1T.
Free Erotic Romance & Steamy Romance Books & Best Erotic Deals

Unfortunately, nothing today.

Free Thrillers & Mysteries & Suspense Novels & Best Thriller Deals & Mystery Deals
  1. Gunny Mac Private Detective Trouble in Chinatown Book 1 Gunny Mac Private Detective (Deal, Not Free) by Steven Walker. Price: $4.99. Genre: Mystery & Suspense, Hard-boiled, Historical Mystery, Cozy Mysteries. Organized Crime Thriller, Lt Commander Kincaid has his own plans on what to do with some of the money but one man is standing in the way. ISBN: 9781735702643. ASIN: B09L55DTSS.
Free Christian Books & Best Christian Deals

Unfortunately, nothing today.

Free Fantasy & Science Fiction & Horror & Best SciFi, Fantasy Deals
  1. Gathering Water Book 1 Gathering Water Trilogy by Regan Claire. Price: Free. Genre: Science Fiction & Fantasy, Contemporary, Fantasy, Kids, Teen, Fantasy & Magic, Young Adult. ISBN: 1230001785388.
  2. [Audiobook] Return Protocol A First Contact Military Sci-Fi Thriller Audiobook 2 Weapons of Choice Narrated by Josh Innerst (Deal, Not Free) by Nick Snape. Price: $19.95. Genre: Science Fiction & Fantasy, Science Fiction, Adventure, Action Suspense. Space Opera Science Fiction, A harrowing mission, a devastating decision that will change their lives forever. ISBN: 9781963415520. ASIN: B0C15363WM.
  3. [Audiobook] Hostile Contact A First Contact Military Sci-fi Thriller Audiobook 1 Weapon of Choice Narrated by Josh Innerst (Deal, Not Free) by Nick Snape. Price: $19.95. Genre: Science Ficiton & Fantasy, Adventure, Science Fiction, Action Suspense. Alien Invasion Adventure Thriller, A fight for survival, aliens are more than they seem. ISBN: 9781963415513. ASIN: B0BXQ4L99W.
  4. Alien Genesis Book 1 Eden’s Angels (Deal, Not Free) by Gary Beene. Price: $2.99. Genre: Science Fiction & Fantasy, Action Suspense, Fantasy, Science Fiction. First Contact Science Fiction, Knowledge that should not be taken to the grave. ISBN: 6610000358274. ASIN: B09XZQQHGL.
  5. The Enigma Within (Deal, Not Free) by V. de la Cruz. Price: $9.99. Genre: Science Fiction & Fantasy, Mystery & Suspense, Thrillers, Fantasy. Ghost Thriller, An unexpected occurrence changes the course of the investigation, causing a sequence of horrific events. ISBN: 9798224411948. ASIN: B0CV86KW1V.
  6. The Fate of Our Union The Fate Series, #1 Book 1 The Fate Series (Deal, Not Free) by Hildebrand Hermannson. Price: $0.99. Genre: Science Fiction & Fantasy, Historical, Epic Fantasy, Science Fiction, Fantasy. Greco-Roman Myth & Legend Fantasy, Insatiable hunger for division threatens to plunge mankind into a dystopian realm ruled by man-eating wolves. ISBN: 9780997022407. ASIN: B0CZS7TD5V.
  7. Family of Farmers (Deal, Not Free) by Terezia Kontova. Price: $4.50. Genre: Science Fiction & Fantasy, Fantasy. Science Fiction, A world where one’s field is not just a piece of land but a reflection of their identity. ISBN: 9781035832835. ASIN: B0CXJTLTNH.
  8. The Fast Track 2 Dance of Truth and Lies, #1 Book 1 -Dance of Truth and Lies by Tom Draycott. Price: Free. Genre: Science Fiction & Fantasy, Adventure, Science Fiction. Science Fiction Adventure, A riveting journey through a dystopian future. ISBN: 9798227865205. ASIN: B0DKH8PPNH.
  9. The Fast Track Dance of Truth and Lies, #1 Book 1 Dance of Truth and Lies by Tom Draycott. Price: Free. Genre: Science Fiction & Fantasy, Horror, Science Fiction. Technothriller, A thrilling look into a future ruled by AI. ISBN: 9798224153169. ASIN: B0CW22L736.
  10. Their Village, Their Fortress (Deal, Not Free) by Dylan Madeley. Price:$0.71. Genre: Science Fiction & Fantasy, Historical, Science Fiction. Fantasy Thriller, Soon he faces scrutiny when the villagers realize something about his appeal does not add up. ISBN: 1230008323743. ASIN: B0DFTC3DNH.
Free Historical Fiction & Best Historical Fiction Deals
  1. Keeping The Promise by Ken Oder. Price: Free. Genre: Biography & Memoir. ISBN: 9781950637423. ASIN: B08ML1RH7R.
  2. Bear Against The Sun (Deal, Not Free) by Otto Lehrack. Price: $3.99. Genre: Historical. Historical Fiction, A dramatic story of two young men from vastly different cultures who are brought together by world events, 1900s, Russia. ISBN: 9798350937619. ASIN: B0CSQGQ188.
Free Young Adult Books & Best YA Deals
  1. Prophecy of the Twins (Deal, Not Free) by Talissa O’ Shrigar. Price: $0.99. Genre: Young Adult, Kids, Teen, Fantasy & Magic, Action/ Adventure, Action Suspense. Romance, Twins who are not part of the tree of fate, their past and future shows nothing. ISBN: 9781393040606. ASIN: B08KTTB3JQ.
  2. [Audiobook] Zuri’s War A First Contact Military Sci-Fi Thriller Audiobook 3 Weapons of Choice Narrated by Josh Innerst (Deal, Not Free) by Nick Snape. Price: $19.95. Genre: Young Adult, Action Suspense, Kids, Teen, Action/Adventure, Science Fiction & Fantasy, Adventure, Science FictionColonization Science Fiction, What if you are the alien that makes First Contact. ISBN: 9781963415537. ASIN: B0C43PRGBW.
Free Children’s Books & Best Children’s Deals
  1. Cake, Lemonade, and Sprinkles London Learns, #2 Book 2 London Learns (Deal, Not Free) by Aishah Hight. Price: $4.99. Genre: Kids, Teen, General Fiction, social Issue, Fiction. Children’s Book about Authenticity, None of the characters she imagines feel quite right. ISBN: 9798986333267. ASIN: B0DLPHCGZB.
Free Adventure, Women’s Fiction, Literary Fiction, Humor, Contemporary Fiction & Best Deals

Unfortunately, nothing today.

Free Memoirs & Best Memoir Deals

Unfortunately, nothing today.

Free Non-Fiction & How To & Best Non-Fiction & How To Deals
  1. When Good Girls Do It: A Memoir by Edie Wright. Price: Free. Genre: Non-Fiction, Religion & Spirituality, Christianity, Biography & Memoir, Christian Life. ISBN: 9781301399420.
  2. [Audiobook] Grace Plus Truth How to Walk in Faith and Freedom by Exploring the Last Adam’s Impact on Salvation, Holiness, and the Christian Life Narrated by Jason C. Johnson Sr (Deal, Not Free) by Jason C. Johnson Sr. Price: $6.99. Genre: Non- Fiction, Entertainment, Music, Music Styles, Religious, Christianity, Religion & Spirituality, Christian Life. Christian Living, Learn what it means to live in grace and truth. ISBN: 9781950085132. ASIN: B0DN414C47.
  3. Exemplary Jews and Christians who became Sahabah (Deal, Not Free) by Gregory Heary. Price: $0.99. Genre: Non-Fiction, Religion & Spirituality, Middle East Religions, Islam. Historical Biographies & Memoirs, Engaging stories that recount historical, inspire personal reflection and societal understanding. ISBN: 9781088189030. ASIN: B0DFVHVBW1
  4. Ultimate Beekeeping Guide Build, Manage, and Profit From Your Own Bee Colony (Deal, Not Free) by Owen Hayes. Price: $7.89. Genre: Non-Fiction, Science & Nature, Technology, Agriculture & Animal, Husbandry, Pets. Hive Management Nonfiction, How to keep your bee colonies healthy and productive. ISBN: 9781965739068. ASIN: B0DJRJMJK4.
  5. The Life and Spiritual Journey of No One (Deal, Not Free) by R.J. Fidalgo. Price: $4.99. Genre: Non-Fiction, Religion & Spirituality, New Age, Mysticism, Personal TransformationPersonal Transformation Nonfiction, Mysteries of life, spirituality, and self-discovery. ISBN: 9798223461883. ASIN: B0C4LG4DKV.
  6. Revisiting the Depths: Overcoming Fear and Finding Peace A Journey of Transformation (Deal, Not Free) by Amy Tan. Price: $2.99. Genre: Non-Fiction, Sports, Water Sports, Scuba & Snorkeling, Religion & Spirituality, Inspiration & Meditation, Biography & Memoir, Inspirational. Biographies & Memoirs, A powerful story of healing and growth. ISBN: 9798892831338. ASIN: B0DHL2Q6FX.
Free Cookbooks & Best Cookbook Deals

Unfortunately, nothing today.

Free Business & Finance Books & Best Business & Finance deals
  1.  How to Find Your Side Hustle (Deal, Not Free) by Jason Schmitt. Price: $3.99. Genre: Business & Finance, Career Planning & Job Hunting, Small Business, Entrepreneurship & Small Business, Entrepreneurship. Financial Clarity Nonfiction, Your roadmap to financial freedom and fulfilling your entrepreneurial dreams. ISBN: 9798893166019. ASIN: B0DNC5WX9P.

What do Stars next to Free Books mean?

The Stars are a rating scheme. Only the best books get stars. The more stars, the better the book. Even one star means the book is very good and worth downloading.

  1. * – Recommended. 1 Star Books are Books that have one or more of – 4.5 stars rating on 4+ reviews, great description and cover, promising premise.
  2. ** – Strongly Recommended. 2 Star Books are Books that have one or more of – 4.5 stars rating on 20+ reviews, 4 star rating on 50+ reviews, very promising description, very promising premise.
  3. *** – Get it Now! 3 Star Books are The Very Best. These are books that have 4.5 stars rating on 50+ reviews, or are the very best.
  4. Romance of the Day, Mystery of the Day, etc. – Book that stands out even amongst the *** ones and ** ones.
  5. Wild Card Pick – Not enough reviews but we think it’s a winner. That over time it would be * or **.
  6. Wild Card – Not enough reviews but sounds good.
  7. True Wild Card – No reviews but interesting.

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33 Free kobo books & deals for Jan. 09

Free Kobo Books via Email – Sign up NOW for Free Kobo Books straight to your Email Inbox!

Hello, Welcome to Daily Free Kobo Books. In this edition, you’ll find some Kobo eBooks that are free to download, and Kobo book deals, for today (Jan. 09).

Kobo Review Books of the Day

Free Romance Books & Best Romance Deals

  1. Something To Talk About Book 1- Whiskey Mountain by Samantha Baca. Price: Free. Genre: Romance, New Adult, Contemporary, Humorous. ISBN: 1230007585296. ASIN: B0B1F6NWCT.
  2. Rocked A Romantic Comedy Book 2- Once a Week at Woody’s by Linda G. Hill. Price: Free. Genre: Romance, Contemporary, Humorous, Contemporary Women. ISBN: 9780994891297. ASIN: B09HHMQQCH.
  3. Hitched in Hawaii A Marriage of Convenience Romantic Comedy Book 1- Vacation & You by Dhara Shah. Price: Free. Genre: Romance, Contemporary, New Adult. ISBN: 1230007494277. ASIN: B0BTJV9KJX.
  4. Dash of Love Book-1 – The Sunshine Breakfast Club Series by Karice Bolton. Price: Free. Genre: Romance, Contemporary Women, Contemporary, Family Life. ISBN: 1230008024626. ASIN: ‎B09TWX7KP9.
  5. Worth The Wait Book 1 Stone River by Kay Lyons. Price: Free. Genre: Romance, Contemporary Women, Contemporary. ISBN: 1230002420622. ASIN: ‎B07FDQHTSF.
  6. The Book of Mormon by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Price: Free. Genre: Non-Fiction, Religion & Spirituality, Christianity, Denomination, Mormonism. ISBN:  9781592976928. ASIN: B08274Y55W.
  7. Child of Nature (Deal, Not Free) by Talissa O’Shrigar. Price: $0.99. Genre: Romance, Science Fiction & Fantasy. Romance, Elyana needs to hide her true identity and appearance to accomplish her predecessor mission of bringing peace to the mainland. ISBN: 9798201474744. ASIN: B0B1F6GB1T.
Free Erotic Romance & Steamy Romance Books & Best Erotic Deals

Unfortunately, nothing today.

Free Thrillers & Mysteries & Suspense Novels & Best Thriller Deals & Mystery Deals
  1. Gunny Mac Private Detective Trouble in Chinatown Book 1 Gunny Mac Private Detective (Deal, Not Free) by Steven Walker. Price: $4.99. Genre: Mystery & Suspense, Hard-boiled, Historical Mystery, Cozy Mysteries. Hard-Boiled Mystery, They face one more battle for their country and for their friends, one last battle, one last victory. ISBN: 9781735702643. ASIN: B09L55DTSS.
Free Christian Books & Best Christian Deals

Unfortunately, nothing today.

Free Fantasy & Science Fiction & Horror & Best SciFi, Fantasy Deals
  1. Gathering Water Book 1 Gathering Water Trilogy by Regan Claire. Price: Free. Genre: Science Fiction & Fantasy, Contemporary, Fantasy, Kids, Teen, Fantasy & Magic, Young Adult. ISBN: 1230001785388.
  2. [Audiobook] Return Protocol A First Contact Military Sci-Fi Thriller Audiobook 2 Weapons of Choice Narrated by Josh Innerst (Deal, Not Free) by Nick Snape. Price: $19.95. Genre: Science Fiction & Fantasy, Science Fiction, Adventure, Action Suspense. Space Marine Science Fiction, A last-ditch attempt to recover the lost pathway home.ISBN: 9781963415520. ASIN: B0C15363WM.
  3. [Audiobook] Hostile Contact A First Contact Military Sci-fi Thriller Audiobook 1 Weapon of Choice Narrated by Josh Innerst (Deal, Not Free) by Nick Snape. Price: $19.95. Genre: Science Ficiton & Fantasy, Adventure, Science Fiction, Action Suspense. First Contact Science Fiction Adventure, Hostile Contact, A moment in time humanity will never forget. ISBN: 9781963415513. ASIN: B0BXQ4L99W.
  4. Their Village, Their Fortress (Deal, Not Free) by Dylan Madeley. Price:$0.71. Genre: Science Fiction & Fantasy, Historical, Science Fiction. Military Fantasy, A soldier returns home against orders to deliver terrible news to his village. ISBN: 1230008323743. ASIN: B0DFTC3DNH.
  5. Alien Genesis Book 1 Eden’s Angels (Deal, Not Free) by Gary Beene. Price: $2.99. Genre: Science Fiction & Fantasy, Action Suspense, Fantasy, Science Fiction. Genetic Engineering Science Fiction, It is year 1954, Ensign James Cortell wakes up from a coma with memories of an alien scientist. ISBN: 6610000358274. ASIN: B09XZQQHGL.
  6. The Enigma Within (Deal, Not Free) by V. de la Cruz. Price: $9.99. Genre: Science Fiction & Fantasy, Mystery & Suspense, Thrillers, FantasyGhost Thriller, An unexpected occurrence changes the course of the investigation, causing a sequence of horrific events. ISBN: 9798224411948. ASIN: B0CV86KW1V.
  7. The Fate of Our Union The Fate Series, #1 Book 1 The Fate Series (Deal, Not Free) by Hildebrand Hermannson. Price: $0.99. Genre: Science Fiction & Fantasy, Historical, Epic Fantasy, Science Fiction, Fantasy. Mythological Fantasy, Rich against poor, sons against fathers, and men against gods. ISBN: 9780997022407. ASIN: B0CZS7TD5V.
  8. Family of Farmers (Deal, Not Free) by Terezia Kontova. Price: $4.50. Genre: Science Fiction & Fantasy, Fantasy. Women’s Fantasy Fiction, Eric Hoffer Award Winner. ISBN: 9781035832835. ASIN: B0CXJTLTNH.
  9. The Fast Track 2 Dance of Truth and Lies, #1 Book 1 -Dance of Truth and Lies by Tom Draycott. Price: Free. Genre: Science Fiction & Fantasy, Adventure, Science Fiction. Dystopian Science Fiction, A very engaging futuristic read. ISBN: 9798227865205. ASIN: B0DKH8PPNH.
  10. The Fast Track Dance of Truth and Lies, #1 Book 1 Dance of Truth and Lies by Tom Draycott. Price: Free. Genre: Science Fiction & Fantasy, Horror, Science Fiction. Dystopian Science Fiction, A futuristic society where a harsh exam dictates your place in life. ISBN: 9798224153169. ASIN: B0CW22L736.
Free Historical Fiction & Best Historical Fiction Deals
  1. Keeping The Promise by Ken Oder. Price: Free. Genre: Biography & Memoir. ISBN: 9781950637423. ASIN: B08ML1RH7R.
  2. Bear Against The Sun (Deal, Not Free) by Otto Lehrack. Price: $3.99. Genre: Historical. Historical Biographical Fiction, A tale of coming of age, of love won and lost and the clash of two great empires. ISBN: 9798350937619. ASIN: B0CSQGQ188.
Free Young Adult Books & Best YA Deals
  1. Prophecy of the Twins (Deal, Not Free) by Talissa O’ Shrigar. Price: $0.99. Genre: Young Adult, Kids, Teen, Fantasy & Magic, Action/ Adventure, Action Suspense. Fantasy, Everyone knows what is waiting for them and makes decisions based on that, except him and her twin sister. ISBN: 9781393040606. ASIN: B08KTTB3JQ.
  2. [Audiobook] Zuri’s War A First Contact Military Sci-Fi Thriller Audiobook 3 Weapons of Choice Narrated by Josh Innerst (Deal, Not Free) by Nick Snape. Price: $19.95. Genre: Young Adult, Action Suspense, Kids, Teen, Action/Adventure, Science Fiction & Fantasy, Adventure, Science Fiction. First Contact Science Fiction, A first contact thriller that is equally thought-provoking and action-packed. ISBN: 9781963415537. ASIN: B0C43PRGBW.
Free Children’s Books & Best Children’s Deals
  1. Cake, Lemonade, and Sprinkles London Learns, #2 Book 2 London Learns (Deal, Not Free) by Aishah Hight. Price: $4.99. Genre: Kids, Teen, General Fiction, social Issue, Fiction. Children’s Book, London is eager to find the perfect costume for her upcoming birthday party. ISBN: 9798986333267. ASIN: B0DLPHCGZB.
Free Adventure, Women’s Fiction, Literary Fiction, Humor, Contemporary Fiction & Best Deals
  1. The Anomaly Dialogist (Deal, Not Free) by David Randolph Caldwell. Price: $1.99. Genre: Literary Theory & Criticism, Poetry, American. Poetry, Chinese Version, A couple of words that characteristically challenges what you once felt about yesterday. ISBN: 9798985206401. ASIN: B0C4Z5WB5G.
Free Memoirs & Best Memoir Deals

Unfortunately, nothing today.

Free Non-Fiction & How To & Best Non-Fiction & How To Deals
  1. When Good Girls Do It: A Memoir by Edie Wright. Price: Free. Genre: Non-Fiction, Religion & Spirituality, Christianity, Biography & Memoir, Christian Life. ISBN: 9781301399420.
  2. [Audiobook] Grace Plus Truth How to Walk in Faith and Freedom by Exploring the Last Adam’s Impact on Salvation, Holiness, and the Christian Life Narrated by Jason C. Johnson Sr (Deal, Not Free) by Jason C. Johnson Sr. Price: $6.99. Genre: Non- Fiction, Entertainment, Music, Music Styles, Religious, Christianity, Religion & Spirituality, Christian Life. Christian Book & Bible, Discover 10 biblical tools for maximum spiritual growth. ISBN: 9781950085132. ASIN: B0DN414C47.
  3. Exemplary Jews and Christians who became Sahabah (Deal, Not Free) by Gregory Heary. Price: $0.99. Genre: Non-Fiction, Religion & Spirituality, Middle East Religions, Islam. Biographies & Memoirs, Follow the lives of the Sahabah, how did personal convictions lead to religious revolutions. ISBN: 9781088189030. ASIN: B0DFVHVBW1
  4. Revisiting the Depths: Overcoming Fear and Finding Peace A Journey of Transformation (Deal, Not Free) by Amy Tan. Price: $2.99. Genre: Non-Fiction, Sports, Water Sports, Scuba & Snorkeling, Religion & Spirituality, Inspiration & Meditation, Biography & Memoir, Inspirational. Overcoming Fear Nonfiction, Discover the healing power of the ocean and the resilience of the human spirit. ISBN: 9798892831338. ASIN: B0DHL2Q6FX.
  5. Ultimate Beekeeping Guide Build, Manage, and Profit From Your Own Bee Colony (Deal, Not Free) by Owen Hayes. Price: $7.89. Genre: Non-Fiction, Science & Nature, Technology, Agriculture & Animal, Husbandry, Pets. Hive Management Nonfiction, Easy to follow instruction and clear, practical advice. ISBN: 9781965739068. ASIN: B0DJRJMJK4.
  6. The Life and Spiritual Journey of No One (Deal, Not Free) by R.J. Fidalgo. Price: $4.99. Genre: Non-Fiction, Religion & Spirituality, New Age, Mysticism, Personal Transformation. Divine Wisdom Nonfiction, Gain clarity the nature of God, the world, and the purpose of life. ISBN: 9798223461883. ASIN: B0C4LG4DKV.
Free Cookbooks & Best Cookbook Deals

Unfortunately, nothing today.

Free Business & Finance Books & Best Business & Finance deals
  1.  How to Find Your Side Hustle (Deal, Not Free) by Jason Schmitt. Price: $3.99. Genre: Business & Finance, Career Planning & Job Hunting, Small Business, Entrepreneurship & Small Business, Entrepreneurship. Best Fit Side Hustle Nonfiction, Discover a side hustle that aligns with your passions and lifestyle. ISBN: 9798893166019. ASIN: B0DNC5WX9P.

What do Stars next to Free Books mean?

The Stars are a rating scheme. Only the best books get stars. The more stars, the better the book. Even one star means the book is very good and worth downloading.

  1. * – Recommended. 1 Star Books are Books that have one or more of – 4.5 stars rating on 4+ reviews, great description and cover, promising premise.
  2. ** – Strongly Recommended. 2 Star Books are Books that have one or more of – 4.5 stars rating on 20+ reviews, 4 star rating on 50+ reviews, very promising description, very promising premise.
  3. *** – Get it Now! 3 Star Books are The Very Best. These are books that have 4.5 stars rating on 50+ reviews, or are the very best.
  4. Romance of the Day, Mystery of the Day, etc. – Book that stands out even amongst the *** ones and ** ones.
  5. Wild Card Pick – Not enough reviews but we think it’s a winner. That over time it would be * or **.
  6. Wild Card – Not enough reviews but sounds good.
  7. True Wild Card – No reviews but interesting.

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